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Imrei Pinchas HaShalem - Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz (2 vol.)

Imrei Pinchas HaShalem - Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz (2 vol.)

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A collection of all of the writings of Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz (1728-1790), a famous Chassidic rabbi and one of the closest desciples of the Baal Shem Tov. He was a descendant of Rabbi Nathan Shapiro, the author of Megaleh Amukot. Arranged by the order of the weekly parasha and topics. The books also includes stories about his life and an index.(chassidic / Kabbalah)

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By: Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz | Publisher: Elimelech Elazar Frankel | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 2 | Pages: 1100 | Binding: Hard |Available Again !

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