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Mesilat Yesharim - Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto

Mesilat Yesharim - Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto

Regular price $15.07
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The best known work of the great Italian mekkubal, the Ramchal(1707-1746). Its a guide to self perfection based on the teachings or Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair (Avodah Zarah 20b). First printed in Amsterdam 1740.
The best known work of the great Italian mekkubal, the Ramchal(1707-1746). Its a guide to self perfection. And other famous works of musar:

Sefer Derech Etz HaChaim by the Ramchal

Igeret ha-Ramban
Igeret ha-Gaon of Vilna
Igeret ha-Musar by Rabbi Yisrael Salanter

(vowelized texts / menukad)

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By: Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal) and others... | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 186 | Binding: Hard | Dimensions: 5 3/4 inch. x 8 1/2 inch. |

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