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Parashah Sheleimah on Sefer Shemos - Applying The Weekly Torah Reading To Life's Events And Celebrations

Parashah Sheleimah on Sefer Shemos - Applying The Weekly Torah Reading To Life's Events And Celebrations

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The weekly Torah portion is a great unifier of our people, with Jews the world over reading the same words of Torah week after week. These words serve as connection to our shared history, as well as inspiration regarding current events and personal life events.

With fresh and creative insights based on traditional sources, Parashah Sheleimah opens a multi-faceted window to the weekly Torah reading — for all events and all occasions — divided into ten categories for each parashah.

"This book reveals life's lessons in every parashah, in faith, hashkafah, and derech eretz."

Rabbi Hershel Schachter

"Rabbi Schwartz takes you through life cycles and Torah interpretations that rely on the wellsprings of our mesorah, with timely messages for meeting today's challenges from a Torah perspective."

Rabbi Mordechai Willig

Rabbi Allen Schwartz has served the Upper West Side of Manhattan since 1985 and has been the rabbi of the historic Congregation Ohab Zedek for the past thirty-four years. He has taught over three thousand students at Yeshiva University and Stern College since 1983 and currently teaches at Manhattan Day School. His Bible curriculum is widely used in day schools and high schools in the New York area, and he has also served as camp rabbi and educational director at Camp Morasha and Camp Mesorah for many summers. He is the author of numerous articles on Biblical and Rabbinic themes and has published the commentary of Rabbi Elazar Rokeach to Sefer Mishlei (Book of Proverbs), The 4 Sons Haggadah, and Conflict and Resolution in the Early Prophets.

Author Rabbi Allen Schwartz I Dimensions 6X9 I ISBN 9781957579498 I Number of pages 240 I Binding type Hard Cover I Weight 1.100000 lbs. I Publisher Mosaica Press

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