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Rav Asher Weiss On Medical Halachic Issues - The Fund Family Edition

Rav Asher Weiss On Medical Halachic Issues - The Fund Family Edition

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his fascinating collection of teachings from one of contemporary Judaism’s greatest halachic authorities includes questions such as:

  • What are the parameters of the mitzvah to heal the sick?
  • How does one pray for a sick person?
  • What are the personal halachic obligations of medical professionals?
  • What is the Torah view of alternative medical treatments?
  • What risks can one take to save life?
  • What does Jewish law say about organ donation?
  • Is it permissible to refrain from vaccinating children?
  • May words of Torah be used as a means of healing?
  • What is the Torah approach to OCD?
  • May a sick person refuse treatment?

Translated by Dr. Fred Rosner and edited and adapted by Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein, this fascinating and important sefer is a must for medical professionals, scholars, and all types of interested Jews.

HaGaon HaRav Asher Weiss, shlita, is a towering Torah giant and one of the world’s leading Torah sages and orators. Rav Weiss possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of Jewish law and is known for his eloquence, insight, and clarity. His lectures are broadcast throughout Israel and across the globe to tens of thousands, and he speaks to all types of Jews. One of the world’s leading authorities in the area of medical halachah, he is contacted regularly by rabbis and Torah scholars from around the world, spanning the full spectrum of Jewish life, for his rulings and advice in all areas of Jewish law.

by: Rav Asher Weiss I Translator Dr. Fred Rosner I ISBN 9781946351807 I Dimensions 6 X 9 I Number of pages 253 I Binding type Hard Cover I Editor Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein I Publisher Mosaica Press

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