Sefer Zera Shimshon - Shemos Volume 1: Shemos - Bo - Haas Family Edition
Sefer Zera Shimshon - Shemos Volume 1: Shemos - Bo - Haas Family Edition
The sefer whose segulah captivated Klal Yisrael:
The Zera Shimshon's Commentary on Chumash, translated and elucidated
The Zera Shimshon on Chumash includes:
- The full text of the Zera Shimshon's commentary on Chumash, fully vowelized (menukad)
- An elucidated translation designed to help the reader follow the Zera Shimshon's often-complex ideas.
- An Introduction to each derush, with explanations to enhance our understanding of the Zera Shimshon’s commentary.
- Explanatory notes that offer more important background material.
the person who learns the commentary, will sit at his table surrounded by his children and family; beautiful blessings, all given wholeheartedly to the person who studies this work. A house filled with everything good.... The blessings will begin in this world and carry on in the world to come..... “ from the author's Introduction to Zera Shimshon
ISBN #: 9781422627495 I Format: Hardcover I Dimensions: 7 x 10 x 1.22 inches I Published By: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications I Release Date: 12/23/2020
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