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Siddur for Shabbat and Festival Evening [Сидур. Вечерние молитвы Шабата и Йом Това]

Siddur for Shabbat and Festival Evening [Сидур. Вечерние молитвы Шабата и Йом Това]

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Siddur Tehillat Hashem
For Shabbat and Festival Evening
Annotated Edition with Russian Translation
The pages in this Siddur match up with Siddur - Annotated Edition
10% larger type size then the standard Siddur edition!
Easy to read with a clear Hebrew and Russian typesetting along with easy to follow instructions. The effort F.R.E.E. invested in translating, editing and designing this Siddur is apparent throughout its pages.

The Russian Annotated Siddur has the same annotations and instructions as the English Annotated Siddur, published by Kehot, and reproduced the original Hebrew text from the English Annotated Siddur.

With clear and easy to follow instructions, even a person praying for the very first time can pick it up and start praying, without guidance.

The Russian Annotated Siddur is also helpful for synagogues who call out the pages during the prayers as it has matching page numbers to the English Annotated Edition.

Some of the features include:
*Shaded boxes indicate prayer changes for special occasions

*Transliterated essentials, like Kaddish and Borchu, appear as needed - no page flipping necessary

*Many prayers have been transliterated for both Ashkenazi and Sephardic pronunciation

*Instructions for sitting, standing, and other customs

*Russian instructions appears on both the Russian and Hebrew pages

*Headings identify major prayer sections

Great for use in a synagogue or home setting

Format: 6x9 Softcover, smyth sewn perfect bind, 228 pp. Language: Hebrew/Russian

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