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The Rebbe's Pharmacy: Chizuk and Inspiration for Today's Spiritual Illnesses

The Rebbe's Pharmacy: Chizuk and Inspiration for Today's Spiritual Illnesses

Regular price $26.00
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In this generation, although many of us are physically healthy and prosperous, spiritually we are suffering greatly. We struggle with depression, anxiety, and physical desire, among other things, and we're longing for the cure that can revive our soul. In the teachings of Rebbe Nachman we can find that cure! Rebbe Nachman has the sweet medicine that can heal us of all our spiritual illnesses. He knows exactly how to soothe our pain and inspire us to serve Hashem. Even when we're on our spiritual death bed with hardly a breath left within us, he can give us the most extraordinary chizuk that will bring us completely back to life.
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The Rebbe's Pharmacy!


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