Tomer Devorah - Hebrew/English Edition ( Pocket Size )
Tomer Devorah - Hebrew/English Edition ( Pocket Size )
The classic Tomer Devorah now in English
Rav Moshe ben Yaakov Cordovero, one of the most profound and systematic exponents of the teachings of the Zohar and a leading figure in the circle of mystics for which sixteenth-century Safed in Palestine was renowned, was born in 1522 and died in 1570, at the age of 48. The little book Tomer Devorah is an ethical treatise devoted to the doctrine of the imitation of G-d. The book was first published in Venice in 1588.
In this book, Rav Cordovero proceeds systematically through the various known attributes of G-d and explains how we can work on improving ourselves by imitating those attributes to the best of our abiility. It offers an eye-opening journey of self-discovery and character refinement.
This new, beautifully bound, compact edition contains the complete text of Tomer Devorah in both Hebrew and English, divided into 30 sections for daily study each month.
Author: Rav Moshe Cordovero, Translated by: Rabbi Dov Fink, Hardcover | 5" x 7" | 164 pages
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