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Toras Hanefesh - From The Teaching Of The Ramchal

Toras Hanefesh - From The Teaching Of The Ramchal

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A fascinating discussion of the interplay between spirit and soul, this work explores the essence and abilities of this idea which is known as "nefesh haAdam". According to the teachings of Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal), it is essential for a person to recognize the perfection of his soul, rather than pinpoint his shortcomings, in order to rise in spiritual status and achieve completion in this world. In this book, the author methodically paves the way for the aware individual to work on self-perfection, in a step-by-step manner that offers clarity and a wealth of wisdom to all who seek it.

by: Rabbi Binyamin Efrati I Dimensions 5.75 x 8.5 I ISBN 5192F I Number of pages 111 I Binding type Hard Cover I Publisher Feldheim

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