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Visions of the End of Days: A Kabbalistic View of the Book of Daniel With a Guide to Dream Interpretations

Visions of the End of Days: A Kabbalistic View of the Book of Daniel With a Guide to Dream Interpretations

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In the Bible many dreams and visions forecast the distant future and the coming of the Messiah. Dreams and visions are part and parcel of the experience of the prophet. Yet, more than prophets have experienced them. 
The Biblical Daniel was one such seer. What he saw and recorded in his book has mystified readers and scholars for many centuries. Once the Hebrew book of Daniel was embraced in Gentile hands, many of its hidden teachings became out of reach to those not trained in the Biblical way of prophetic reception (Kabbalah). The secrets concealed in Daniel have thus remain hidden, until now.
This book discusses the path and way of the Biblical prophet and seer; how they were trained to understand the symbolic metaphorical language of picture imagery that is the form and essence of every dream and vision.
This book brings to the English-speaking audience exposure of the ancient Biblical prophetic ways, and even gives guidance how some of these ancient practices may still be used today. Going beyond Daniel there are many other Biblical and later Judaic and Kabbalistic teachings about the coming of the Messiah. Some of these issues, such as Gog and Magog, are also addressed here.As a special bonus, there is included an essay that many might find to be controversial. The topic is: Can a Torah-faithful, Orthodox Jew believe that Jesus was (or will be) the Messiah of Israel? Written from the perspective of Torah Judaism, this essay addresses the topic in a non-polemic manner, in the hope that it might serve as a bridge of understanding between Jewish and Christian communities.
All in all, this book reveals secrets, both ancient and modern, that once you have been enlightened by them, you will never look at Biblical prophecy or Kabbalistic revelations in the same light of simplicity again.

Prepare to see what you have not seen before!

Publisher: Kosher Torah Publishing | Author: HaRav Ariel bar Tzadok | Language: English | Pages: 280 | Volumes: 1 | Binding: Soft | Size: 9 x 6 inch

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