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Warmed by the Fire of the Aish Kodesh

Warmed by the Fire of the Aish Kodesh

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Torah from the Hilulas of Reb Kalonymus Kalman Shapira of Piaseczna.

Rav Kalonymus Kalman Shapira Hy"d was the rebbe of Piaseczna, Poland, before the war and remained with the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto until 1943. His teachings, including the sefer Aish Kodesh (Holy Fire) , written in the Ghetto, have been crucial in the revival of the Jewish people's interconnection with Hashem before, during, and after the war, until today. His educational guidance and Torah have inspired thousands to abandon a superficial approach to Yiddishkeit and deepen their connection with Hashem using the full spectrum of their emotional and intellectual faculties.

Because of this influence, Rav Moshe Weinberger chose to name a newly established shul in Woodmere, New York, after the Rebbe's sefer Aish Kodesh and instituted an annual hilula on the Rebbe's yahrtzeit, attended by approximately 1,000 Jews of all types and ages from throughout the tri-state area. This sefer consists of the Torah taught by Rav Weinberger at these annual hilula gatherings.

Dimensions: 6 x 9 | ISBN: 978-1-68025-022-0 | Weight: 1.0500 lbs | Binding: Hard Cover / 171 pages | Publisher: Publisher:Feldheim |

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