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1863, by Joseph Opatoshu

1863, by Joseph Opatoshu

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By Joseph Opatoshu

At the turn of the twentieth century East European Jews underwent a radical cultural transformation, which turned a traditional religious community into a modern nation, struggling to find its place in the world. An important figure in this Jewish Renaissance was the American-Yiddish writer and activist Joseph Opatoshu (1886-1954). Born into a Hassidic family, he spent his early childhood in a forest in Central Poland, was educated in Russia and studied engineering in France and America. In New York, where he emigrated in 1907, he joined the revitalizing modernist group Di yunge The Young. His early novels painted a vivid picture of social turmoil and inner psychological conflict, using modernist devices of multiple voices and mixed linguistic idioms. He acquired international fame by his historical novels about the Polish uprising of 1863 and the expulsion of Jews from Regensburg in 1519. Though he was translated into several languages, Yiddish writing always fostered his ideas and ideals of Jewish identity. Although he occupied a key position in the transnational Jewish culture during his lifetime, Opatoshu has until recently been neglected by scholars. 

Novel "1863" - the second part of the trilogy unfinished " in the Polish forests", which tells about the events of the Polish uprising of 1863 writer analyzes the influence of Jewish nationalism, Polish anti-Semitism, socialism on the events of that time. Protagonist Mordkhe Alter passionate revolutionary ideas. In the Polish commune in Paris he meets ideologist of anarchism, Bakunin, advocate of Jewish emancipation Moses Hess, the future dictator of Poland Marian Langevichem. Filled with romantic hopes and messianic expectations Mordkhe takes part in hostilities in 1863 and becomes a witness to defeat the rebels.

Роман "1863"- вторая часть неоконченной трилогии "В польских лесах", повествующей о событиях польского восстания 1863 г. Писатель анализирует влияние еврейского национализма, польского антисемитизма, социализма на события того времени. Главный герой романа Мордхе Алтер увлечен революционными идеями. В польской коммуне в Париже он встречается с идеологом анархизма Бакуниным, сторонником еврейской эмансипации Моше Гессом, будущим диктатором Польши Марианом Лангевичем. Исполненный романтических надежд и мессианских ожиданий, Мордхе принимает участие в военных действиях 1863 г. и становится свидетелем поражения повстанцев.

ISBN: 978-5-9953-0298-8,978-5-7516-1217-7 I Language: Russian I Format: 5.5x8.5 Hardcover, 189 pp

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