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Arba'at HaMinim HaShalem

Arba'at HaMinim HaShalem

Regular price $37.88
Regular price $37.88 Sale price $37.88
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Part 1)
Laws of the Lulav, Etrog, Hadass and Arava. Measurments and quantities according to the Torah, compendium, and general commentary.
Yalkut Pri Etz Hadar Kapoth Tmarim - identifying the Etrog and the Lulav.

Part 2)
Taking the Lulav, shaking it, the Hakafoth and Hoshanoth.
A treasure of customs, explanations, Talmudic legends, and symbolism regarding the mitzvoth of the four species.

~~~ Please look inside for a full table of content.

By: Rabbi Eliahu Weissfish | Publisher: Meor HaHalacha | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 530 | Binding: Hard |

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