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Avraham BaMidbar - Kabbalistic Writings (Rabbi Avraham Chachamovits)

Avraham BaMidbar - Kabbalistic Writings (Rabbi Avraham Chachamovits)

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A profound and revelatory kabbalistic work with new insights of Torah / Kabbalah, and hundreds of gematriot. Volume 1 deals with Maggidim, Metatron, Giants, Na'mah (Noah's wife), shapeshifters, Kayin's descendants, shedim/demons, the plague of serpents (Chukat), the plague of barad, Erev Rav, the Tzimtzum and the Chalal Panui, RaPaCh netzutzei (288 holy sparks), the Mahn/manna, and many other intense subjects.

By: Rabbi Avraham Chachamovits | Publisher: Beit Arizal | Language: English | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 600 | Binding: Hard |

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