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Avraham ben Avraham

Avraham ben Avraham

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The moving story of one man's danger-fraught conversion to Judaism.
Avraham ben Avraham follows the story of the famous Ger Tsedek of Vilna. After rescuing a Jewish man and his daughter from a mob, Count Valentin Pototski and his compatriot Boris Zarembo embark on a journey to find the truth of HaShem through His Torah. His journey from Polish nobleman and Franciscan friar to observant Jew takes place at a time of baseless anti-semitism and much strife among Am Yisrael. Taking on the Hebrew name Avraham ben Avraham, he makes it his personal mission to reconcile the divisions among his adopted nation that has occured as a result of the Shabbatai Ts'vi ferver and the recent rise of Chasidic thought. Along his journey as an emissary to the people he meets with numerous tsaddikim including R' Eliyahu of Vilna and R' Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov. He also encounters the mishugga R' Ya'akov Frank (whom claimed he was the resurrected Ts'vi), the epitomy of apostacy. All the while his family pursued him relentlessly for heresy against the church.

By: Zelig Schachnowitz | Publisher: Feldheim | Language: English | Volumes: 1 | Binding: Hard |

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