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Child Of War

Child Of War

Regular price $26.61
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It had been a a wonderful world, the secure and peaceful world of chassidic Budapest. And now, in an instant it was gone. The Nazis had arrived and Leibish and his family were brutally thrust into a world where life hung in the balance every day. Where almost noone could be trusted , where British bombers rained down destruction, while Gestapo officers lurked in shadows, watching for hidden Jews.
With all the holocaust histories and memoirs written in the past years, surprisingly few focus on what it was like to be a child during those dark years, for the painful reason that very few children did survive.

A Child of Wis a testament to one young boy's courage and determination to survive, a haunting and dramatic tail of faith, miracles, and love.

Author: Nachman Seltzer Binding: hard cover Publisher: Artscroll/ Mesorah january 2009 Dimensions: 6"by9" Weight: 1.29 lbs

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