Chumash - Chinuch Tiferes Micha'el Volume 3: Vayikra
Chumash - Chinuch Tiferes Micha'el Volume 3: Vayikra
Newly designed and typeset, based upon extensive consultation with scores of educators and reading specialists, this new innovative chumash will be welcomed by teachers, students, and shul-goers.
Features include:
◾Large, clear type
◾Extra-reinforced side-sewn binding for durability
◾Comfortable spacing between lines and a clean page design
◾Page headings designed to help find the place easily
◾Layout of Chumash and Rashi text especially formatted for ease of use, including the bolding and nikkud (vowelization) of each heading
◾Verses cited within Rashi's commentary are vowelized
◾Includes Targum Onkelos, Baal HaTurim and Ikkar Sifsei Chachamim
◾The Targum on each page begins ands end at the same words as the Chumash
◾The appendix includes the complete text of Sefer Bereishis, indicating the shoresh (root) of the word and its binyan (grammatical structure)
◾Introductions to each Haftarah explain the the connection to the Parashah or yom tov
◾Listing of the acronyms used by Rashi and their meanings
◾Sixty Four full-color pages with many important charts, illustrations and maps to help young and old alike understand the material.
ISBN-13: 9781422614709,Dimensions: 6.8 x 9.3 inches / Weight: 2.20 LBS,Published: February 2014
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