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Sefer Chesed L'Avraham / ספר חסד לאברהם

Sefer Chesed L'Avraham / ספר חסד לאברהם

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A comprehensive guide to those learning the inyanim of sfeikos.


- Follows the simanim of the Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah which deal with sfeikos:

  • סי' ק"י

  • סי' קי"א

  • the klalei sfeik sfeika of the Shach

  • the klalim mechudashim of the Toras Hashlamim

- Provides background of the sugya of each se'if and explains the poskim and Nosei Keilim, along with many he'aros and biurim.

- Includes a "chelek habiurim" at the end, which gives more in-depth explorations of the above simanim.  

By Rabbi Avrohom Tzvi Gendelman

Rabbi Avrohom Tzvi Gendelman

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