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Duda'ei Reuven, Hilchos Kibud Av V'eim

Duda'ei Reuven, Hilchos Kibud Av V'eim

Regular price $15.00
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Mishna Berura-style sefer with a clear, thorough analysis and compilation of hilchos kibbud av v'aim in a clear easy-to-read format.

It features in-depth (lomdus) simanim on the sugyos of kibbud av. In addition, it has a section of Piskei Rav Elyashiv and Shu"t Rav Chaim Kanievsky as well as the handwritten gilyonos of Rav Belsky.

The sefer also includes Uvdos V'hanhagos to supplement the readers with hadracha and hanhaga from the gedolei hadoros regarding this important mitzva.

Author Rabbi Dovid Goldstein I Publisher Distributed by Feldheim

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