Tfutza Publications

Just Imagine! We're Leaving Egypt

Just Imagine! We're Leaving Egypt

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An original, fascinating rendition of the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim.

Dear Children, What do you think would have happened if HaKadosh Baruch Hu would not have taken our forefathers out of Egypt?

Oh, you certainly know the answer-we and our children would still be slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt right now!

And what if Hashem would have mercy on us and take us out of Egypt in our generation? How would that look?

Egypt of today doesn't look like Egypt of that time, right? So, we invite you to just imagine-and take a fascinating journey, as we illustrate what it might look like if we left Egypt today...

This story is entertaining and will provide you with a lot of knowledge, but most importantly, it will help you really feel as if you came out of Egypt!!

By: M. Safra

Author: M. Safra,,Dimensions: 9"x13",,Format: Hardcover,,ISBN: 978-1-60091-425-6,,Length: 84,,Publisher: Tfutza Publications

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