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Likutei Moharan - Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (menukad edition)

Likutei Moharan - Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (menukad edition)

Regular price $30.23
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The most important collection of Torah teachings of the outstanding Chassidic luminary, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov(1772-1811). It contains his major Torah discourses given over the last eight years of his life together with many shorter lessons, transcribed and edited by his closest student, Reb Noson. Rebbe Nachman himself described Likutey Moharan as a work ''for the great and small alike''.

A work throwing light on the deepest concepts of the Torah, Kabbalah, revealed and mystical, Likutey Moharan guides the contemporary spiritual seeker around the confusions and deceptions of the modern world to faith, truth and devotion on his spiritual path. (vowelized text / menukad)

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Publisher: Chassidei Breslov | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 760 | Binding: Hard |

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