Off the Couch
Off the Couch
A Psychiatrist's Candid Stories of Hope and Healing
Real people, real problems.
- A newlywed’s bizarre stringencies are worrying his kallah.
- A bachur must pursue treatment, but his father disagrees.
- A mother wants to hide her daughter’s mental illness and find her a shidduch.
- A young man’s nightmares are taking over his life.
- An angry ER doctor is a terror at work.
- A high-profile politician and his wife need couples therapy — fast.
Join Dr. Jacob L. Freedman, renowned psychiatrist, educator, and Mishpacha columnist, in this uplifting, intriguing collection drawn from over ten thousand true cases. Written with sensitivity, insight, and a sprinkle of humor, these compelling stories of struggle and success, healing and hope, provide a candid glimpse into the world of mental health — both on and off the couch
Author: Dr. Jacob L. Freedman I ISBN 9781614654445 I Pages 349 I Cover Type Hardcover
All, Books, Health and healing, Jewish thought & philosophy, Latest 100 added in english, Latest 100 added in english