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Rabbi Eliezer Papo - Pele Yoetz

Rabbi Eliezer Papo - Pele Yoetz

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One of the most beloved of the many books of musar published through the ages.
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Papo, venerated by Turkish Sephardim as a saint and a sage, it has gained immediate popularity when first published in Constantinople, 1824. Endorsement of leading Rabbinic personalities who extolled both the saintliness of the author and the virtues of the book. What was the reason for this instant popularity and widespread acceptance? For one, unlike most other musar books, the Pele Yoetz is not limited to abstract ethical precepts and esoteric concepts; it encompasses all aspects and phases of day-to-day Jewish living, the ritual as well as the ethical, the mundane as well as the sublime. Moreover, the Pele Yoetz, true to its title, is a wonderful advisor on all situations of human interrelationships such as between parent and child, husband and wife, employer and employee. Yet the Pele Yoetz is not a mere 'how-to' book of simplistic advice. Its teachings are grounded in the vast field of Torah in all its ramifications: Talmud and Medrash, halakhah and aggadah, Kabbalah and Hassidic lore (yes, he quotes the Ba'al Shem Tov!) serve as the authors sources. Above all, Rabbi Papo is revealed here as a man of penetrating insight into human nature with all its weaknesses and faults, its virtues and potential for greatness. He speaks to the heart as well as mind; to simple folk as well as to learned elite. His book is permeated with love for all Jews. Characteristically, Rabbi Papo states that he wrote his book in Hebrew rather then in the Ladino vernacular so that it would be read by both Ashkenazim and Sephardim.(vowelized Hebrew text).

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By: Rabbi Eliezer Papo | Publisher: Hotzaat Tushia | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 662 | Binding: Hard |

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