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Rising Above - Talking to The Heart of The Bas Yisroel

Rising Above - Talking to The Heart of The Bas Yisroel

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Talking To The Heart of The Bas Yisroel

Veha'eir Eineinu was written on the subject of guarding the purity of one's eyes; 60,000 copies have been published, making this popular and unique sefer a classic.
This book, Rising Above, on the subject of kedusha in our camp and the Joy for Mitzvos, was adapted from the Sefer, Veha'eir Eineinu. It details the role of the bas Yisroel in this worldwide endeavor.
Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk wrote:

Rising Above aims to strengthen the Jewish woman in her role of actualizing the Torah's charge: "You are a holy people to Hashem."
It is our hope that Rising Above will succeed in bolstering the Jewish woman's pride in all that pertains to the sanctity of our holy nation.
Rabbi Zev Leff wrote:

This book "Rising Above" is the women's companion to the book fór men, "Veha'eir Eineinu Enlighten Our Eyes" by the same author. Here again the author deals with a sensitive issue in a most delicate, refined and interesting manner.


Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Goldschmidt

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