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Sefat Emet al HaTorah U'Moadim (5 vol. - Menukad)

Sefat Emet al HaTorah U'Moadim (5 vol. - Menukad)

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A commentary on the Torah by the famous chassidic leader, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter of Ger (1847-1905). His comments stress the moral and ethical lessons to be derived from the text, offering many kabbalistic allusions. The author's vast knowledge, profound wisdom, and total dedication to God and Torah are reflected in all his writings.

Fine print menukad edition

y: Rabbi Yehudah Arye Leib of Ger | Publisher: Hotzaat Naeh | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 5 | Binding: Hard | Dimensions: 9.75 X 7 inch. |

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