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Segulos Yisroel, Large (Hebrew Only)

Segulos Yisroel, Large (Hebrew Only)

Regular price $29.27
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A collection of more than seven hundred Segulos and helpful tips, all drawn from Torah sources - from over four hundred different Seforim throughout the range of Tanach, Mishnah, Gemara, Rishonim, and Acharonim. Based on the the Sefer "Segulos Yisroel" by Rav Shabsai Lifshitz ZT"L (first printed in Munkatch, Hungary in 1905), the Sefer has been annotated, edited, and rearranged. The Segulos collected in this sefer cover a wide range of topics, such as: Health and well-being, peace and joy, livelihood and success, Shidduchim, fertility and childbirth, children and education, rescue from danger, Middos, prayer, Torah and Mitzvos, Yomim Tovim, and more.

Dimensions: 9" x 6 1/4" Weight: 1.7 lbs Published by: Feldheim Publishers

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