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Something Old, Something New. Pearls from the Torah

Something Old, Something New. Pearls from the Torah

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With a clear-eyed awareness and appreciation for the benefits and challenges of our modern world and culture, Rabbi Eliyahu Safran has written a commentary of the weekly Torah portions that makes clear his abiding love for Jewish teaching and knowledge. In these pages, Rabbi Safran brings to bear the power and grace of Jewish wisdom on the issues and concerns of our time, devoting important and compelling insights to the ways the modern world impacts our young people and how our tradition gives us the tools to nurture, guide and mentor them with intelligence and sanctity. Rabbi Safran's short, easy to grasp thoughts demonstrate anew that eternal truths speak powerfully and sensitively to each and every generation.

Author : Rabbi Eliyahu Safran I Pages 703 I Format Hardcover I Publisher : Ktav Publishing House

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