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Stickers Album Maran Sar HaTorah [Paperback]

Stickers Album Maran Sar HaTorah [Paperback]

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Dear Children:
We worked hard to publish a sticker album of Maran Chaim Kanievsky zt"l. With the hope of keeping his memory alive, we included stories of Rav Chaim zt"l. We daven that he will be a meilitz yosher for all of us.

Please note: In order to complete your album, you have to fill in ALL the stickers, including "Special" stickers - those with a gold border around the sticker.

The ones to finish the albumfirst will be awarded prizes. The order of the winners is determined by the order it is received by us. So, hurry and finish your album, and send it in right away. Upon receiving your winning album, we will be in touch with you to receive your prize.

Sticker packs sold separately.


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