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Strength Through Fire: A Chizuk Handbook

Strength Through Fire: A Chizuk Handbook

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During the Three Weeks, and especially on Tisha B'av, we devote time to the study of Megillas Eichah and the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash. However, there is actually an obligation to remember the Churban all year long.

In this inspiring work, Rabbi Hubner illuminates the ways in which Megillas Eichah can actually offer inspiration and strength to those who delve into the meaning of its p'sukim. Divided into three sections, Strength Through Fire offers essays on chizuk from various Rabbanim along with stories of incredible and unwavering faith during World War II. Additionally, Rabbi Hubner devotes an entire section of the book to the pasukim of Eichah itself, showing how they can be interpreted in a way that turns every negative into a positive. Conveying important messages of finding the good in every situation, Strength Through Fire proves to be a vital guide during the mourning period of the Three Weeks as well as throughout the year.

Binding: Paperback / 386 pages | Publisher:Feldheim Finding Comfort Through Megillas Eichah


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