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The Chazon Yaakov Haggadah

The Chazon Yaakov Haggadah

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RABBI JACK TAUBER (1916-1991) served as a pulpit rabbi for nearly half a century,including 43 years as the spiritual leader of the Avenue Z Jewish Center in Brooklyn, NewYork.


As a youth and young man, he was active in the Revisionist youth movements, particularlythe Betar Zionist movement. He served as personal secretary to Ze’ev Jabotinsky, leaderof the Revisionist movement in the United States in 1940, and was active in the campaignfor a Jewish army and the rescue of European Jewry, serving as director of immigrationfor the Vaad Hatzalah, bringing holocaust survivors to the United States. He was part ofthe Irgun’s diplomatic corps in the United States, participating in the clandestine supplyof weapons to Israel.

Rabbi Tauber dedicated his life to the promulgation of Orthodox Jewish values and thepreservation of the integrity of the land of Israel. He was the author of “Chazon Yaakov,” acommentary on Maimonides’ Laws of the Study of Torah, and his sermons on the booksof Genesis and Exodus have been published in “Yalkut Ya’akov” and “Divrei Ya’akov.” Hewrote an educational text on Zionism for the Revisionist movement, which has beenrepublished as “A History of Zionism.”

This Haggadah is based upon Rabbi Tauber’s sermons, published writings and seminarsabout Pesach, including instructions to his congregants on preparing for Pesach and theSeder. It is a unique study guide for the modern Jew, presenting the exodus from Egyptas part of continuum of Jewish history, as Rabbi Tauber demonstrates that the God ofIsrael continues to guide and care for His people, especially in today’s turbulent times.Pesach seders that incorporate Rabbi Tauber’s teachings will lead the participants tonew understandings, and inspire them throughout the year.


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