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The Art of T'Shuva : The Teachings of HaRav Kook

The Art of T'Shuva : The Teachings of HaRav Kook

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''Tshuva is something above a simple accounting of the rights and wrongs in a person's life. T'shuva is a spiritual enterprise which encompasses all of creation. T'shuva is the expression of the world's existential yearning to come closer to G-d.'

Thus begins

Rabbi Kook's (1865-1935) preface to his book, Orot Hat'shuva. While psychiatrists offer many theories about man's existential dilemma and pain, Rabbi Kook reveals that the real cause of humanity's suffering stems from mankind's severance from G-d. The solution, he teaches, is t'shuva.

For the first time, a commentary in English, The Art of T'shuva, explains Rabbi Kook's vision in a clear, concise and illuminating fashion. This encounter with Rabbi Kook's vision is sure to lead readers to greater personal happiness, understanding and spiritual growth.

Commentary by: Rabbi David Samson and Tzvi Fishman.

By: R' Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook | Publisher: Urim | Language: English | Volumes: 1 | Pages: 238 | Binding: Hard |

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