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The Light from America

The Light from America

Regular price $23.57
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And Other Stories About Maran Harav Moshe Feinstein Zt"l

Reb Moshe Feinstein was greatness personified. He was a brilliant gaon in Torah and halachah; his hasmadah and love for Torah were mind-boggling; and his middos were golden. How lucky American Jewry was to merit having such a gadol in its midst!

In The Light From America you will read twenty-five magnificent stories about the righteousness, wisdom, and sensitivity of Reb Moshe. Each one adds another stroke to the beautiful portrait of one of the greatest gedolei Yisrael of recent times.

By: Rabbi Avraham Ohayun

Author: Rabbi Avraham Ohayun I Dimensions: 9.25" X 12.25" I Format: Hardcover I Illustrator: Sara Konofnizki I ISBN: 978-1-60091-705-9 I Length: 56 I Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications

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