The Nesivos Haggadah
The Nesivos Haggadah
with commentary Maaseh Nissim by the author of Nesivos HaMishpat.
What are the underlying concepts of the Pesach Seder, which has taken place in Jewish homes for over two thousand years?
Are there fundamental precepts which run like a thread throughout the myriad of detailed clarifications of each line of the Haggadah?
The Nesivos Haggadah elucidates these central tenets, and reveals the crucial basics of Yetzias Mitzrayim as the source of the eternal bond between HaKodosh Boruch Hu and His beloved Klal Yisroel. Masterfully translated by Rabbi Michoel Miller zt"l for his family and talmidim, this new edition is for the wider public, so that these vital principles can be implanted further and help you- and every Jew- grow in emunah on the Seder night.
Rabbi Yaakov Lorberbaum (1760-1832), great-grandson of the Chacham Tzvi, was one of the leading halachic authorities of his generation. Chief Rabbi of Lissa, Poland, and author of Nesivos Hamishpat on Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat, he is more popularly known as the "Lissa Rav" or "Ba'al HaNesivos". Among his many works are Chavas Daas on Yoreh Deah, Toras Gittin, Derech Chaim, and his commentary on the Haggadah, Maaseh Nissim.
Dimensions: 6" X 9",ISBN: 978-1-59826-086-1,Weight: 0.8560 lbs,Binding: Hard Cover / 124 pages ,Published by: Distributed by Feldheim,
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