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Trouble Up North - comic

Trouble Up North - comic

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Written by M. Safra. Adapted from the bestselling novel by Shmuel Argaman. Illustrated by Yaakov Hanon. Dear Children, In a far-off secret location, the worst nations of the world are plotting a wicked plan to destroy Klal Yisrael. A string of amazing events leads to the discovery of the plan, but foiling it is no simple matter. Countless obstacles must be overcome, and much Mesirus Nefesh and, most importantly, Siyata Dishmaya is needed to face the terrible dangers... Will the undercover mission succeed? Can the evil scientist's plan be stopped? Does anyone have a way to rescue Klal Yisrael? A journey full of suspense, humour, and adventure. And, at the same time, a story full of important messages of Emunah and Bitachon in Hashem, who controls everything! So what are you waiting for? Let's Go... Fourth in an exciting series of comics for children and teens based on the suspense novels of Shmuel Argaman, the bestselling author from Eretz Yisrael.

Author: M. Safra I ISBN: 9781635871043 I Format: Hardcover I Length: 120 Pages I Publisher: Israel Book Shop

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