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Urim V'Tumim - R' Yehonatan Eibeshitz (Dzimitrovsky Edition - 2 vol.)

Urim V'Tumim - R' Yehonatan Eibeshitz (Dzimitrovsky Edition - 2 vol.)

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A new enhanced edition of Rabbi
Yehonasan Eibeschutz's Urim V'Tumim from
Rabbi Yechiel Michel Dzimitrovsky. These
volumes have undergone extensive editing
by a team of scholars proficient in
Choshen Mishpat and includes corrections
in punctuation, division of sections,
and insertion of references.
amazing work also includes Levushei
Choshen, a commentary on the Urim
V'Tumim taken from Rabbi Yehonasan's
shiurim on Choshen Mishpat by his
disciple Rabbi A. Z. Auerbach.

The set is complete with a compilation
of commentaries from Achronim, indexes
to Shas and Rambam, and well as a
topical index.

By: Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeshitz / Rabbi Yechiel Michel Dzimitrovsky | Publisher: Machon Maaneh Simchah | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 2 | Pages: 1900 | Binding: Hard |

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