What's the Brachah?
What's the Brachah?
Hamotzi...Hagafen...Mezonos…Ha'eitz...Ha'adamah...Shehakol... How well do YOU know your brachos?
In this charming and fun book that comes with its own read-along, musical CD, children will learn the different brachos to say on the various foods they eat. In addition to enjoying the original rhymes and songs in the book/CD, children will be fascinated by the adorable illustrations that really make the story come alive.
Come join Brachah as her mother guides her through the world of brachos-and see if you can learn your brachos as well as she can!
By: Hindy Weinreb
Author: Hindy Weinreb,,Dimensions: 7" X 10",,Format: Hardcover,,Illustrator: Racheli Edelstein,,ISBN: 978-1-60091-419-5,,Length: 32,,Media: Book and CD,,Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications
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