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Yalkut HaRoim Hagadol

Yalkut HaRoim Hagadol

Regular price $72.40
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A collection of old precious writings, going back about 2000 years and more. Braitot, Midrashim and books of Kabbalah. The books included are: Pirkei Heichalot, Midrash Konan, Otiot De Rabbi Akiva, Sefer HaTagin, Sefer Maayan Chochma, Sefer HaIyon, Sefer Sod Darchei HaNikud, Masechet Atzilut, Masechet Kelim, Midrash Temurah, Masechet Chibot HaKever, Masechet Gehinom, Zohar Ruth, Pirkei Eliyahu & Nistarot Rashbi, Midrash Rabbi Yehushua Ben Levi. A few of these writings have a commentary.

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Publisher: Hotzaat Nezer Shraga / Yerushalayim | Language: Hebrew | Volumes: 1 | Binding: Hard |Out Of Stock

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